Crops: Penta grows Roses and Fillers (60ha)
Certifications: Fair Trade, MPS A, MPS, Global Gap, MPS SQ, BOPP , KFC Silver, ETI
Established: 1993
Penta’s speciality lies in suppling flowers to the direct market through their ability to understand the demands of the constantly evolving markets they supply. Penta’s forte in packed at source (PAS) bouquets have led to a catalogue of successful bouquets that can be exported directly from Kenya. This understanding of how to mix colours and textures has meant that they have expanded their crop range from just the standard roses to include a wider range of colours and fillers.
Currently, 55 ha of the production area is under rose cultivation, boasting about 45 different rose varieties and 5 ha planted with a range of summer flowers, fillers and foliage.
Penta Flowers is the floral business within a coffee plantation, after winding down a farm track through the coffee, you find yourself in the bright and colourful entrance hall of Penta Flowers, which always boasts a selection of huge bouquets showing off their range beautifully – from the newest excitements in the trial house to the old favourites from the Rose Beds.
Being very conscious of the environmental and social issues that surround farming, Penta is proud of its status as an ‘MPS A grower’ and is also listed as being ‘MPS socially qualified’. It sells its products under the Fairtrade label into countries such as Norway, Germany and Switzerland. This enables the farm employees to select projects and empower the worker. Penta also makes sure to collect all the rainwater into big reservoirs around the farm as well as harvest energy through solar panels on the roof of the pack shed.
Read more about our growers here.
Order farm fresh flowers from the grower directly to you: http://florismart.com/florists