Woman picking pink roses


Crops: Wildfire grows Roses (15ha) and Hypericum (15ha)

Certifications: Fair Trade, Sedex, MPS A, MPS SQ, GAP, KFC Silver

Established: 1999

Wildfire specialises in Hypericum and roses for bouquets. The steady growing ensures top class product for the market. Based near Lake Naivasha it is in one of the prime growing areas for Flowers in Kenya. With the pressures of available water this farm is very careful with its water collection which it stores in two large reservoirs on the farm, this water is then recollected through a series of drains ready to be cleaned and put back on the fields. 

The Roses are grown in greenhouses close to the packhouse. Here they can be carefully monitored and when harvested it is only a short distance from the field to the coldstorage units where the product is Quality checked pre-cooled. 

The Hypericum section of the farm is to the East of the Roses. Here there is a designated zone for production of this very popular berried stems. Through a careful growing plan all 3 of their colours are available all year round. Hypericum is grown outside, which can be difficult in some cases due to weather factors, but the sheltered spot of Wildfire farms and the expert growers and graders mean their crop is highly valued.

With the village of Karagita nearby there are lots of twinned projects that Wildfire assists on in the School and in the community, some of these come through the Fairtrade sales and some through the company direct. 

Read more about our growers here.

Order farm fresh flowers from the grower directly to you: http://florismart.com/florists